Ameba MicroPython: [RTL8722CSM] [RTL8722DM] UART

API Documents
UART(unit [optional], baudrate [optional], databits [optional], stopbit [optional], paritybit [optional], timeout [optional], tx_pin [required], rx_pin [required])
Create a UART object associated with the given tx and rx pins and configure it using other parameters. This allows you to then read/write uart signal on the pins.
• unit: The unit ID, either 0 or 3
• baudrate: 115200 is the recommended baudrate on ameba
• databits: the number of bits for data bits, usually 7 or 8 bits
• stopbits: the number of stop bits, usually 1 or 1.5 or 2 bits
• paritybit: for parity check, usually none, odd or even
• timeout: how long uart wait before its timeout (in milliseconds)
• tx_pin: the transmitter pin, connect the rx pin of the receiver
• rx_pin: the receiver pin, connect to tx pin of the transmitter
Note: Not all parameters are required, thus MicroPython will assume its default value once left blank, here are the default values for each optional parameter,
Parameter Default Value
10 (ms)
This method initializes and configures the UART. [optional])
This method reads the data received in UART buffer.
• length: the length of the data to receive
This method is similar to read(), but read a line ending with a newline character.
UART.write(buffer [require])
This method works in 2 way:
• Check the status of uart irq when NOT passing any argument, and it will return True if irq is enabled, False if disabled
• Enable/disable uart irq handler by passing True or False as bool
UART.irq_enable(bool [optional])
This method will return the current timer tick in Gtimer clock(0~32768).
UART.irq_handler(function [required])
Passing the python handler to uart irq so that it will be triggered when an UART event occurs.
• function: a function defined in python or a lambda function
Please confirm that QQ communication software is installed